
netspot is now available through a docker image, hosted on Github. You can have a look to the local registry to pull the image.

Once you have pulled the image, you can run netspot interactively through:

docker run -it --name netspot --cap-add NET_ADMIN --network host netspot:latest

The capabilities NET_ADMIN allows to run netspot through a non-root user inside the container. In addition, here we use the host network because in practice you may want to deploy the IDS on host interfaces.

You can tune the container a little through two environment variables:

Environment variable Default value
NETSPOT_CONFIG_FILE /etc/netspot.toml

Hence, you can load your config file (e.g. /tmp/config.toml) by mounting it on the container.

docker run -it --name netspot --cap-add NET_ADMIN --network host -v /tmp/config.toml:/etc/netspot.toml netspot:latest