
The picture below details the internal structure of netspot. It aims to present how the IDS is designed and it is also likely to help both the user and the developer to better understand the tool.

At the lowest level, netspot parse packets and increment some basic counters. This part is performed by the miner subpackage. The source can either be an network interface or a .pcap file (network capture).

At a given frequency, counter values are retrieved so as to build statistics, this is the role of the analyzer. The statistics are the measures monitored by netspot.

Every statistic embeds an instance of the SPOT algorithm to monitor itself. This algorithm learns the normal behaviour of the statistic and constantly updates its knowledge. When an abnormal value occurs, SPOT triggers an alarm.

The analyzer forwards statistics values, SPOT thresholds and SPOT alarms to the exporter. This last component dispatch these information modules that binds to different backends (console, file, socket or InfluxDB database).