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From sources

You can get netspot by building it from sources. By default, it will dynamically link netspot to libpcap. At least, you will need libpcap-dev on your system (and a C compiler).

Go magic

Look at this magic!

go install

It installs netspot to $GOPATH/bin/netspot, so you must ensure it is in your path to use it directly from cli.


This method basically run the Go compiler on the sources. However it differs from the make build as the latter use additional "release" flags. In addition, the version output by the binary won't embed the git hash (only the major version).

Classic make


As netspot uses new Go features, you should use a recent version of the Go compiler (>=1.16). You can run the following script to update your version (curl, sudo and tar commands are required):

# Get latest version ID
LAST_VERSION=$(curl -s | grep -e 'go[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*' -om 1 | sed 's/go//g')

# prepare the dl link

# save the archive to /tmp
curl -so "/tmp/${TAR}" "${LINK}"

# install it (you should remove the previous /usr/local/go folder)
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf "/tmp/${TAR}"

# add to path
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

# check version
go version

On Debian 10/Ubuntu 20.04

apt update
apt install git make gcc libpcap-dev
git clone
cd netspot

It builds the binary on the bin/ folder. You can check the result:

./bin/netspot-2.1.2-amd64-linux --version

Finally you can install it (as root)

make install