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Math functions

libspot does not depend on the standard library, so its math. In particular, the SPOT algorithm needs both the exponential and the natural logarithm.

Natural logarithm

Several strategies exist to compute log. Currently we prefer accuracy against speed so we have compared different methods and parameters so as to be as close as possible as the standard library output (on my laptop 😁 but you can also check it with online compiler).

Our simple implementation is actually faster than the standard library while being as accurate as it.

Continued fraction

We currently use the following continued fraction12:

$$ \log\left(1 + z\right) = \dfrac{2 z}{2 + z + \displaystyle\KK_{m = 1}^{\infty}\left(\frac{-m^2 z^2}{(2 m + 1) (2 + z)}\right)} $$


$$ \KK_{m = 1}^{\infty}\left(\frac{-m^2 z^2}{(2 m + 1) (2 + z)}\right) = -\cfrac{z^2}{3 (2 + z) - \cfrac{4 z^2}{5 (2 + z) - \cfrac{9 z^2}{7 (2 + z) - \cfrac{16 z^2}{9 (2 + z) - ...}}}} $$

In practice, we truncate this expansion to depth $d$. For instance, the following pyton script leverages sympy and the recursive behavior of the continued fraction to output a truncated version of the expansion.

import sympy as sp

def K(x, d: int, m: int = 1):
    if m == d:
        return 0

    a = -m * m
    b = 2 * m + 1
    return a * x * x / (b * (2 + x) + K(x, d, m + 1))

def log_cf(x, d: int):
    z = x - 1
    return 2 * z / (2 + z + K(z, d))

x = sp.Symbol("x")
print(log_cf(x, d=11))


The following code is used so as to find the "best" depth. We basically retrieve the max mantissa error and the relative error. Indeed we leverage the IEEE754 representation so as to turn the computation $\log(x), x\in\RR$ into $\log(x), x\in[1, 2]$.


The results on my laptop are presented below. Depths 9, 10 or 11 may be good candidates depending on the accuracy need.

depth max mantissa error max relative error
5 204513805 3.275499E-08
6 6065190 9.713924E-10
7 179516 2.875076E-11
8 5307 8.500201E-13
9 157 2.514663E-14
10 6 8.008480E-16
11 2 4.022239E-16
12 2 4.022239E-16
13 2 4.022239E-16
14 2 4.022239E-16


Let us present the speed of our implementation. In the following benchmark, we use an "inline" representation of the continued fraction with depth = 11 (instead of the recursive definitions given above).

We compare computation time of libspot vs the standard library (on 10M runs, $\scriptsize 10^{-8}<x<10^{8}$).


When we turn on optimization flags (like -O2) we see that the libspot implementation is faster.


Once again we use a continued fraction to compute exponential.

Continued fraction

We currently use the following continued fraction3:

$$ \exp\left(z\right) = 1 + \cfrac{2 z}{2 - z + 2 \displaystyle\KK_{m = 1}^{\infty}\left(\cfrac{a_m z^2}{1}\right)} $$

with $$ a_m = \dfrac{1}{4 (2 m - 1) (2 m + 1)} $$ so if we expand the continued fraction $$ \KK_{m = 1}^{\infty}\left(\cfrac{a_m z^2}{1}\right) = \cfrac{z^2 / 12}{1 + \cfrac{z^2 / 60}{1 + \cfrac{z^2 / 140}{1 + \cfrac{z^2 / 252}{1 + \cfrac{z^2 / 396}{1 + ...}}}}} $$

import sympy as sp

def K(z2, d: int, m: int = 1):
    if m == d:
        return 0

    mm = 2 * m
    a = 4 * (mm - 1) * (mm + 1)
    return z2 / (a * (1 + K(z2, d, m + 1)))

def exp_cf(z, d: int):
    z2 = z * z
    return 1 + 2 * z / (2 - z + 2 * K(z2, d, 1))

z = sp.Symbol("z")
print(exp_cf(z, d=6))


The following benchmark leads us to choose d = 6.


depth max mantissa error max relative error
3 6998321454 7.769708E-07
4 13281258 1.014192E-14
5 16126 1.790451E-12
6 81 1.017038E-14
7 90 1.017038E-14
8 90 1.017038E-14
9 90 1.017038E-14


Like in the previous log benchmark, we use an "inline" representation of the continued fraction with depth = 6. We compare computation time of libspot vs the standard library (on 10M runs, $\scriptsize 10^{-8}<x<10^{2}$).


Once again, libspot implementation is faster when optimization flags are set.


Finally, we need to compute $x^\alpha$ when $x \ge 0$ and $\alpha \in\RR$. Currently we basically use our implementation of exp and log as $x^\alpha = \exp\left(\alpha \log x\right)$.


This current choice leads to worse performances than the standard library. This function is then likely to be improved in the future.

  1. Formula (4.5) p.111

    Khovanskii, A. N. (1963). The application of continued fractions and their generalizations to problems in approximation theory (p. 144). Groningen: Noordhoff.

  2. Formula (11.2.3) p.196

    Cuyt, A. A., Petersen, V., Verdonk, B., Waadeland, H., & Jones, W. B. (2008). Handbook of continued fractions for special functions. Springer Science & Business Media.

  3. Formula (11.1.2) p.194

    Cuyt, A. A., Petersen, V., Verdonk, B., Waadeland, H., & Jones, W. B. (2008). Handbook of continued fractions for special functions. Springer Science & Business Media.